For whatever creeps across my brain at any given hour.
So glad you have a great sense of humor during your illness! You cracked me up with that line, "Today I sneezed so hard I blew my freckles off."
Two words, hon:BAR CODES.....
Try a magnet...since most frecklesare somewhat rust-colored it onlystands to reason that they havea high iron content. Beats abutterfly net, eh? Iron-ons?Have the best thanksgiving you canmuster, buster...
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So glad you have a great sense of humor during your illness! You cracked me up with that line, "Today I sneezed so hard I blew my freckles off."
Two words, hon:
Try a magnet...since most freckles
are somewhat rust-colored it only
stands to reason that they have
a high iron content. Beats a
butterfly net, eh? Iron-ons?
Have the best thanksgiving you can
muster, buster...
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